There are a lot of travel books out there, and you've probably heard them all. But this isn't like any other travel book... no it's probably worse. We are just two travel rookies, who after a little research went to travel on around Europe. We enjoyed every minute, but it probably wasn't as wild or as crazy as some people's experiences are. - We did plenty of partying while we were away - but the only pulling we came close to was pulling a muscle when we decided to run a half marathon in Budapest. - The biggest trouble we got into was at the Croatian border control for crossing with a "suspect" looking teabag... and a cuddly toy. Neither of us are that outgoing or live particularly outlandish lifestyles but we didn't need to be to have a great time. Travel isn't just reserved for the wild and the reckless, but really just about anyone can do it. There's a big world out there filled with generous people, and we're at a unique time when it's cheaper and easier than ever to go and see it. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter if you're an introvert or an extrovert, a party animal or a priest, all that really matters is that you go out there and see more of the world. We wanted to explore just how far £1000 could take us around Europe, and were completely surprised at the result. From skiing in the Austrian Alps to bathing in the Budapest Springs, we took the opportunity to explore how accessible travel really is nowadays, and it turns out - it's easier than ever. The first half of our book details of all the stories from our two months travelling Europe, and the second half goes into detail about how you can do your own. So no matter whether you want to party or ponder while you're away, you'll be able to have the time of your life, and it needn't cost you the Earth.
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