Elite athletes around the world depend on The North Face for lightweight, technical sleeping bags to keep them moving fast and sleeping comfortably, and the Hightail 2S Sleeping Bag is a perfect example. This minimalist sleeping bag tips the scales at just 1lb 4oz, making it The North Face's lightest three-season down-filled sleeping bag. Snug from head to toe, the Hightail hugs your body with lofty, 850-fill goose down and uses trapezoidal baffles to control insulation distribution so cold spots won't crop up. Just because you're considering this sleeping bag for the fast-and-light advantage it offers doesn't mean that you should sacrifice when it comes to the details. To this end, the Hightail also has a full-length zipper to give you some temperature control and Pertex fabric at the hood, collar, and footbox to allow the movement of sweat and moisture away from your body.
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